You are welcome.

When you left,
you left behind a valley
of shy..soft daffodils
under a sky
full of unstirred clouds…
you left
a million brilliant butterflies
wavering mid-silky flutters..

You felt like midnight rain
dropping against my dreamy eyes..
You felt like summer breeze 
brushing over my shoulder..

Oh the crisp square papers,
On which I am writing poems,
with ink stolen from the wild grapevine.
And the portraits I am drawing,
With colours borrowed from the rainbow.
And you with your long stares and hasty tickles,
Making my couch uncomfortable.

And then upon my fingers
the melting snow of you.
Rolling upon my cheek
the glistening tear of you.

Today I have
A handful of peaceful sunsets
with a drop of curved horizons

Your reflection
mirrored in every puddle
Your whispers
wavering upon every curtain
Your fragrance
blossoming inside every petal

Your echoes in between
the silence of my drowsy eyes

Oh and how you left
Footprint on my sands
and your songs on my shores

Windows full of
misty..magnetic moonlight
nights and nights
of a warmed soul

We look forward
a calendar full of days
and seasons full of rich harvests

And look forward to a lifetime
of moments untouched.
With stories to be written and told.

I am thankful to the light of a billion stars guiding you home.