The Shortest Story

The Shortest Story

For the days in doubts and fear.
For the moments of no you and me.
For the nights of lost handkerchiefs.
For the season to get drenched or blown away.
For the time when you can’t remember,
For how hard you may try.

Take a minute and believe.

For life is a blessing.
Smile your worries away.
If you believe, you’ll find there’s a purpose,
And that purpose is you!

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Someone said, Birthday?

So it happens to occur that yesterday was my birthday, yay.
Here’s my birthday prayer, what I felt, precisely :

Because happiness is true only when shared.
Because life is too short.
And loving more makes you feel alive.
Because laughing out loud,
Brings back the zeal in you.

So never do anything that makes you unhappy.
Because we live each day,
To fill in the blank spaces in life,
With the colors from the kaleidoscope of love.

Yes we are busy, we have priorities,
But just smiling or doing little things for each other,
Can make a lot difference.
Every word has a meaning. And every silence too.
It’s our little world. And you only live once. Mind that.

Yes, we may have ups and downs in life,
Would feel broken. At times shattered.
Nevertheless we try try try,
And we try too hard.
For life shall dance once again.
For if it’s winters, can spring be far behind?

People change, memories don’t.
Birthdays, anniversaries,
Remind us of all the beautiful memories we have had,
With all the souls we pass by, year after year.
And still they bring tears of joy!

Yes, we have got issues, differences,
I may be always annoying to some people,
Or I may find some souls monotonous each day.
Because things change and people leave.
Life doesn’t stop for anybody.

But don’t all we wish a happy ending for each of us?
After all at the end we are just stories!


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Did you feel the happiness? 😀 Did you ever smell a memory?